Monday, February 3, 2014

Quest For Wisdom

Odin was always on the look for ways to gain new wisdom, and become more experienced. On a quest to gain wisdom, he gave his eye to have a single sip of Mimir's Well. When he drank, all of the future became clear and he now understood why things were as they were. After he had clawed his eye out, Mimir took it from Odin and tossed it into the well, where it still remains. Losing an eye wouldn't stop Odin from his quest for wisdom, though. He had hung himself from Yggdrasil, for nine whole days with a spear pierced through him. He had died, but was resurrected and awarded more wisdom than any other god or human.


  1. I like this post but I think you should look into making it longer. I enjoyed how much information you put into such a small amount of words but I feel as if the post needs more detail. Overall, nice job.

  2. I always wonder how he lost his eye. Wishing the story was longer but good job summarizing the story!
