Monday, February 17, 2014

#4 Setting

Mirmir's Well is a place full of magic and endless possibilities. The giant well, full of beautiful sea green water that you can see through. The water fills the grey brick well that lays in the middle of a dense forest. The trees are a dark green and full, you could push your whole arm in the leaves and they would just swallow it in a mass of cool smoothness. The ground is moist with condensation, but not too moist; only enough to let off the smell of rain and "fresh". Its a clean place, full of life and it makes you want to just take a deep breath in because you know if you do you will feel rejuvenated and full of life. Moss covers the rocks and the bottom of the well, but as you travel up the well vines weave through the cracks in the bricks, creating a maze that may never be solved. The only sound you can hear is the wind brushing the leaves back and forth, and when you summon him, Mirmir's voice.

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