Tuesday, February 4, 2014


The movie Avengers, released on May 4th, 2012 was one of the biggest grossing movies in history, over One Billion dollars. The movie is based off of Nordic gods, primarily Thor. Odin, although not entirely accurate was shown in the movie, too. One thing that wasn't entirely accurate was the adoption of Loki. Odin never adopted Loki. A huge culture effect that Odin had was because of his other named, Woden and Wotan. Those names are where we got the name for Wednesday - Wodensdaeg. Also, in the T.V series, Vikings, Odin is often praised and brought up when they are speaking to one another on a day to day basis.


  1. make sure that you stay on topic with 3 different places he appears, not what the movie Avengers is about. Its OK to do a little background info, but not to much on only one of the times he appears.

  2. I love the way Odin is portrayed in the Avengers
